ARRL Field Day is the largest on-the-air operating event in Amateur Radio. It draws tens of thousands to the airwaves each year, bringing new and experienced hams together for a weekend of fun!
1347 Total Contacts
659 CW
588 Phone
Searchable ASCII Log
Field Day 2009 Pictures, Comments, and Summary
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QSO Rate Over the 24 Hours
KØJGH’s Comments
Well, FD 2009 is history. I think we had a very good showing. Terry’s quick upload to our website has log info, pictures and the latest news. We had good participation but because of the hot weather Saturday I know some couldn’t make it out due to the heat. We separated the operating locations this year. I think we all felt that this cut down on the cross band interference. The phone station tried some different antennas this year. Terry shot a nice long wire over the tree tops, a trap rotatable dipole was used a little and some monoband ground planes found favor in the end. We out scored our previous best contact count by 30 QSO’s. I’d like to say thanks to all that help make this another successful year.
Glen K0JGH pres
Another great Field Day is in the log. They’re all good but this one was especially nice.
The phone and cw stations were separated by about 200 feet for the first time. This helped intermod and overloading considerably. Even then the need for radios with good front ends was obvious. Contest capable rigs are highly desireable. Steve’s FT-1000D performed very well on CW again, as did Mike’s TS-950 on phone.
Setup started on Friday with a long wire fired over a tall pine and the usual gear was gathered. Dale’s screen room tent was ideal for the phone station on the North side of Steve’s yard. CW was practiced in the garage as in the past. The weather cooperated nicely, even tho Friday and Saturday morning were very uncomfortable with high temps and humidity. A benign weather front came thru Saturday afternoon bringing cooler and drier temperatures, and some small thunderstorms East of town.
Antenna experimentation was the order of the day for the phone station, with the looong wire, verticals, and a rotatable dipole in use. The CW station stayed with tried and true dipoles for 40 and 20M at about 50 feet up. Both performed admirably, high is good.
The results were gratifying, check them out on the main 2009 Field day page. 40 and 20M were the bread and butter bands again this year, with 15 coming on very strong late Sunday morning.
N3FJP’s Field day network software performed admirably again this year. It makes logging and communication between stations extremely easy, and allows quick checking to see on which band each station is operating. Also, and very importantly, it automatically backs up the whole log on all computers every 15 minutes. I really appreciate the ease of summarizing the results for filing with the ARRL. Being an old Quality Control/Reliability guy, I like the statistical analysis also. If this sounds like a testimonial for Scott and Kimberly’s software, it is indeed. I cant imagine operating without it. Another success story concerning the logging operation is that the club’s wireless router, donated by NØEAL, performed very well over the 200 foot separation between the server laptop located at the CW station, and the phone station logging computer.
So another good one is in the books, err on the hard drive, and I’m already looking forward to next year.
From KBØODG Larry wasn’t on site this year, but still participated.
I had 78 voice and 37 cw field day. I was 1D IA. here in Cedar Rapids. Not Bad EH?
ARRL Field Day
1. Field Day Call Used: WA0DX GOTA Station Call:
2. Club or Group Name: WA0DX
3. Number of Participants: 7
4. Number of transmitters in simultaneous operation: 2
5. Entry Class: Check only one.
X A. Club or non-club portable
B. 1 or 2 person non-club group portable
List calls of operators:
C. Mobile
D. Home station commercial power
E. Home station emergency power
6. Check All power sources used.
X Commercial mains
Other (list)
7. ARRL / RAC Section: IA
8. Total CW QSO’s: 759 X 2 = Total CW QSO points: 1518
9. Total Digital QSO’s: 0 X 2 = Total Digital QSO points: 0
10. Total Phone QSO’s: 588 X 1 = Total Phone QSO points: 588
11. Total QSO points: 2106
12. Power Multiplier (select only one)
5 Watts or less and Battery powered = 5
X 150 Watts or less = 2
Over 150 Watts = 1
13. Power Multiplier: 2
14. Claimed Score: 4212
15. Bonus points claimed: Please check each block as appropriate and
include required proof of points with your submission. All bonus points
will be verified at ARRL HQ and added to your score.
100% Emergency power
Media Publicity
Set-up in Public Place
Information Booth
NTS message to ARRL SM/SEC
X W1AW Field Day Message
Formal NTS messages handled (# )
Satellite QSO completed
Natural Power QSO’s Completed
Site Visited by invited officials
GOTA maximum QSO’s achieved
Non-Traditional mode:
Youth Participation (# )
Total Bonus Points Claimed: 100
16. I/We have observed all competition rules as well as all regulations
for amateur radio in my/our country. My/our report is correct and true
to the best of my/our knowledge. I/We agree to be bound by the
decisions of the ARRL Awards Committee.
Date: 06/28/2009
Call: WA0DX
Signature: Terry Fletcher WA0ITP
Address: 1305 Casper Dr
Address: Ottumwa, IA 52501
E-Mail Address:
CW Digital Phone
QSO Power QSO Power QSO Power
160 0 150 0 150 0 150
80 0 150 0 150 0 150
40 341 150 0 150 7 150
20 342 150 0 150 323 150
15 76 150 0 150 257 150
10 0 150 0 150 1 150
6 0 150 0 150 0 150
2 0 150 0 150 0 150
1.25 0 150 0 150 0 150
70 0 150 0 150 0 150
33 0 150 0 150 0 150
23 0 150 0 150 0 150
GOTA 0 150 0 150 0 150
Totals 759 CW 0 Dig 588 Phone
18. List all callsigns of all operators and number of QSO’s completed
of the GOTA Station: